Social Emotional Learning

Social Skills training 

Social Skills training 

Social skills are the tools and skills that help people to listen and communicate with each other, solve conflicts, empathy, demonstrate positive friendship behaviors, make friends, get our needs met appropriately, share and receive, and interact with others in a positive way.

Children who are behind in social skills may benefit from extra practice, teaching, or direct instruction in social skills, often referred to as social skills training. 

Social skills training is a direct way of teaching social skills. Directly teaching social skills has been proven to improve social skills in children and teens.

8 Easy Back-to-School Tips for Parents: Advice from a School Psychologist for a Smooth Transition
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8 Easy Back-to-School Tips for Parents: Advice from a School Psychologist for a Smooth Transition

Transitioning from the carefree days of summer to the structure and demands of school can be a challenging time for both parents and their children. 

However, with the right strategies and preparations, you can help ensure a smooth and successful transition. In this blog post, I’m sharing my favorite tips and advice to help you and your child navigate the back-to-school season with confidence and ease.

My 5 Favorite Evidence Based Interventions to Help Children with Behavior Challenges

My 5 Favorite Evidence Based Interventions to Help Children with Behavior Challenges

As a School Psychologist, I work with educators and parents to support children with behavior challenges. Behavior challenges can take many forms including defiance, aggression, off-task behavior, and eloping, among others.  I want to share with you my 5 most recommended, evidence based interventions.

Free Social Story Templates for Children

Free Social Story Templates for Children

Social stories are one of my favorite tools to use for children with Autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, or children with Executive Functioning challenges.   

Social stories can help children pick up on cues they normally wouldn’t notice and learn how to respond to these cues. Social stories can also help children learn new skills for social situations, or understand how to behave in new situations.